Overview & objectives
Participants will learn the key shareholder engagement strategies employed by different types of investors and how to increase the effectiveness of these strategies. The focus will be on equity markets, but also engagement in fixed-income markets and alternative investments will be discussed.
Key benefits
By attending this programme, you will:
Deepen your understanding of the business case for active ownership
Learn the key engagement strategies used by the various types of investors. Examples of these strategies are: (proxy) voting of shareholder and management proposals, private engagement, class action lawsuits, media campaigns
Deepen your understanding on how the effectiveness of engagement strategies is dependent on the type of engagement, the engagement topic, the ownership of the firm, etc
Learn what drives companies to respond to engagement efforts (and what does not)
Learn about the engagement of investments in corporate bonds
Deepen your knowledge about engagement in alternative asset classes, such as private equity, infrastructure, and hedge funds.
Who should attend?
Finance, investment and business professionals who want to deepen their understanding of active ownership. Typical roles in the financial industry include: responsible investment managers, risk managers, equity portfolio managers, strategists, corporate governance specialists. Typical roles in the corporate sector include: corporate strategists, CSR managers, investor relation managers.
Rob Bauer is a Professor of Finance at Maastricht University and co-founder of the European Centre for Corporate Engagement (ECCE). He is a leading academic in the area of responsible investing and shareholder engagement.
For further information and/or to register please contact Lia de Heer +31 (0)20 525 85 31 or lia.de.heer@dsf.nl
Event informatie
Organisatie: Duisenberg School of Finance
Datum: 24 september 2013Inschrijven voor: 24 september 2013
Type event:
Doelgroep: Professionals