SNiC is an acronym for Stichting Nationaal Informatica congres (Foundation National Computer Science Conference). The organisation was established in 2004 with the purpose of stimulating the interest in IT knowledge, IT applications and the business side of it. Every year, a conference with an IT related subject is organised for academic Computer Science students from all over the Netherlands.
The theme of this year's conference is ResilIT: the impact of IT in preservation and recuperation of our society. During the past decennia humanity has made huge advancements and is slowly moving towards what researchers have dubbed "Society 4.0". However, how do we keep this society intact and how can we recover from disruptive events?
Academics, businesses and even stand-alone activists will present the problems they see for society and the role that IT will play in making our society more resilient for the future. Aside from the three keynote speakers there are three tracks to choose talks from in order to find a schedule that interests you the most.
Event informatie
Organisatie: ING
Datum: 26 november 2019Inschrijven voor: 25 november 2019
Type event: Workshop
Doelgroep: IT-professionals
Locatie: Amersfoort