Join us for an inspiring event on the digital future of the Financial World. The 28th of February and the 1st of March KuppingerCole is hosting ‘Digital Finance World 2018‘ in Frankfurt, the major financial center of Europe.
Banking as we know it is changing fundamentally, driven by developments as PSD2 & AML. Whole industries are being questioned, new business models are coming up requiring completely new services on a massive scale, and traditional institutions are opened up through APIs and developing them to banking platforms.
At Digital Finance World 2018 you can interact with a targeted and engaged financial audience, enjoy an unparalleled content depth, and get guidance for critical decisions on the digital transformation of your enterprise. You will talk to internationally renowned digital transformation thought leaders, finance industry professionals, FinTech 2.0 founders, analysts and blockchain experts.
iWelcome for banking and insurance
At the parallel trade show, you can meet specialised exhibitors such as FinTechs, technology developers and financial institutes from all over the world. iWelcome will be there to inform you about CIAM for banking and insurance. Interact with your customers in a frictionless, secure and safe manner, to build trusted relationships and enhance customer journeys and customer loyalty. We have multiple interesting client cases in the financial world, and we can help you meet the challenges driven by new regulations and technical developments.
Key topics
- Strong authentication – how to keep friction & risk low
- Mobile Banking Innovation & Security
- The Blockchain and what is behind the mystery
- Digital Currencies: Bitcoin, Ether, and co.
- Best Practice PSD2 and Open Banking
- CIAM in the finance and insurance industry
- Big Data and Privacy: how to combine the odd couple
- IoT, Smart Contracts and the future of the insurance industry
- Artificial Intelligence: how bots will change the customer experience
Information and registration
- Date: February 28th and March 1st 2018
- Location: HOLM – House of Logistics & Mobility, Bessie-Coleman-Strasse 7, Gateway Gardens • 60549 Frankfurt am Main • Germany
- Registration:
Event informatie
Organisatie: KuppingerCole
Datum: 28 februari 2018Inschrijven voor: 28 februari 2018
Type event: Seminar
Doelgroep: Finance professionals
Locatie: Frankfurt