Morningstar Investment Conference

27 maart 2014
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26 maart 2014
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Morningstar Investment Conference

Now in its fourth year, this signature European investment conference is moving to AmsterdamHer Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands presents the opening address in her capacity as United Nations Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA).

A discussion on financial stewardship will lead into key topics on asset allocation decisions that institutional investors have to address on a daily basis. This program is known for sharing the latest research by renowned professionals, hearing from seasoned practitioners in money management and getting insights on macro-economic topics shaping our world tomorrow.

Discussion topics include:

  • Managing risk through new ways of asset allocation.
  • Good financial stewardship in global finance 2014 and beyond.
  • The impact of a low interest rate environment when managing risk and liabilities.
  • Investing decisions and capital requirements as a result of legislative changes.
  • The value of ESG criteria in investing policies.
  • What asset classes will be attractive in the coming years? Hear the latest views on equities, bonds, alternatives and on emerging markets and investing trends. 
  • Please click here for full details of the speakers and the agenda. Registration is open.

Note: CFA Society Netherlands has negotiated a 50% discount on the above fees for members of the Society.  When registering please use: PROMOTION CODE: MICEUA14CD01
Event Type: Educational
Education Topic: Alternative Investments, Equity Investments, Risk Management
Start Time: 27 Mar 2014
End Time: 28 Mar 2014
City: Amsterdam
Event Country: The Netherlands
Event Region: EMEA
Location Info: Hilton Amsterdam Hotel      
CE Credits: 9
SER Credit: 0
Currency: EUR
Member Price: 225 or 950
Non-Member Price: 1,900
Candidate Price: 225 or 950
Registration: Registration Fee
EUR 450 for institutional investors (insurance firms, pension funds, wealth managers, endowments, advisers, etc.)
EUR 1,900 for non-institutional investors (such as sales staff of fund companies)
Note: CFA Society Netherlands has negotiated a 50% discount on the above fees for members of the Society.  When registerin please use: PROMOTION CODE: MICEUA14CD01

Event informatie

Organisatie: CFA Society

Datum: 27 maart 2014

Inschrijven voor: 26 maart 2014

Type event:

Doelgroep: Professionals